Agree, the place where you are now is the result of all your previous actions. I think that many of you probably think in advance about how they would like to live at 5, 10 and to whom in 20 years. Where he wants to be, what to do, what kind of dream house he will have, a car, his beloved family and work that really brings us pleasure. All this is great to draw in the head. But without proper effort, it is unlikely that your beautiful dream will come true.
This is why it is important to know about the available options and use them before it is too late. I’m almost 100% sure that many of you regret that you did not learn about Bitcoin 5 years ago. When it could be easily bought for little money and sold at the peak of 2018 at the best price. Answer yourself honestly, but forgive me. However, empty regrets are not enough to change your life. In the end, this lesson was to happen in my life so that I could rethink all my actions and understand in which direction I want to act. Which brings me pleasure and potential income. And, as you already guessed, the world of blockchain technology is my element, passion and love.
In the end, thanks to a competent and structured approach, many teams of specialists strive to solve the already accumulated problems of traditional centralized processes using new tools, regardless of whether these processes occur from the world of finance, healthcare, tourism, social networks and other areas of our lives .
And all because the blockchain technology itself makes everything much easier, more transparent and safer, excluding a number of intermediaries, each of which only one way or another gets profit from you. Moreover, blockchain is an excellent tool to combat bureaucracy, as well as various gray schemes and other inaccuracies that many companies and organizations are actively trying to hide from sight.
But this can be solved with the help of modern technology. I know that although this market is very young and has not yet fully strengthened, there are already tens or even hundreds of thousands of cryptography lovers in the world who are very happy to learn and gradually introduce this technology into their lives. And to make this process even more reliable and fast, we will consider a very interesting project with you. The main goal of which is not only to create your global ecosystem, but also to open all your working tools for all types of users at once.

About the project and its features:
The project I want to talk about today is called AoSpooling . To be honest, this name consists of two parts, each of which is responsible for its own aspects. For example, the AoS structure is based on the “art of science”, which combines both the classical values of the material world, including the real estate market, precious metals, and various tokens supported by real assets. As for the second part of the word Pooling, its main idea is to accumulate not only finance, time and knowledge, but also tools that AoS members can use to increase their available capital.

However, in order to better understand the existing concept, it is important to pay attention to the three pillars on which the AoS concept was originally developed. And the first of the pillars is represented by evangelism: where any ordinary person can get the necessary advice or information in the form of training on how to properly own their savings, as well as how to properly increase them so that they receive decent savings by resignation.
The second pillar is based on the advantages of both an internal coin, which is based on material value, and at the expense of available funds, which affect further welfare and savings for retirement. And the third pillar is technologies and systems with which the user can not only invest, but also manage and control their cryptographic assets.

Thus, we see that the project itself is a multi-level ecosystem, consisting of various blocks, each of which intends to be responsible for its own nuances and features. In the end, by accepting membership fees for their project, AOS developers want to not only maintain, but also increase their credibility. That is why the founding team invests in real assets that have long been familiar to everyone, be it land or any other useful assets that always have real value.
With regard to the introduction of modern tools and technologies, the AoS team will be happy to contribute to the development of this industry, demonstrating to its users really accessible and useful tools. Thus, the possibilities for the simplest users are expanded.
At the same time, as I already said, the project sets itself a global goal in educating people so that they can not only learn, but also understand the full potential of blockchain technology. And for this, as you know, you need knowledge in which all the components of a decentralized technology are explained in a structured and affordable way. Etc. Based on the following image, you will see that the areas in which the AoSpooling project intends to develop are enough to qualify for a worthy project. Moreover, investments in AoS will benefit not only the middle class of users, but also large investors, as well as traders for whom the platform developers will provide all the necessary tools for this business.

Like any blockchain project, AoSpooling also has its own internal token, called Real Koyn or RKYN. With the help of which participants in the system can not only increase their real well-being, but also participate in charity, acquire information to expand the boundaries of their knowledge, and also take a loan or take an active part in the lottery. And I assure you, this is not the whole list of features of the internal rkyn coin. According to the founders, a total of 100 million coins will be issued with an initial value of $ 0.50 per coin. At the same time, the founders of AoSpooling intend to sell most of their coins through ICO, which will last 6 weeks.

Concluding my thought in this review about AoSpooling , I would like to note his unique approach to global shortcomings. I don’t know about you, but I like the fact that in one ecosystem a user can find not only many interesting and really useful things. Moreover, despite the fact that my review turned out to be quite large, I still did not have time to touch on a very large part of the available benefits and functions of AoSpooling.
Therefore, I invite everyone who is interested in this project to the world of technical documentation AoSpooling, as well as to the open spaces of its official social resources. Links to which you will find at the end of this article. And this is where my review came to an end, I hope this project was not only interesting for you, but also useful. So thank you for your attention and see you soon!
For more information, please follow the link below:
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/aospooling
WHITEPAPER: https://realkoyn.com/whitepaper/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AoSPooling
Authors: YarisRiyadi1st
My Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1756824;sa=summary
My ETH: 0x8B1820FB5829696cA5b595d09dF4e0F5757a97A7
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